SMLCA House System
The House System at Smith Mountain Lake Christian Academy is built upon these five pillars:
heart, soul, mind, strength, and love.
Our pillars come together to create faith-filled young people striving towards a common purpose. These goals are influenced by the school verse:
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:30-31).
With these pillars in mind, the House System exists to further the missions and ministry of the school by working to:
George W. Carver
Scientist / Inventor
Elisabeth Elliot
Author / Missionary
C. S. Lewis
Author / Theologian
Noah Webster
Author / Lexicographer
How are points awarded?
Cup winners
2019 — Webster House
2020 — Webster House
2021 — Lewis House
2022 — Lewis House
2023 — Carver House
Junior High
2024 — Lewis House (JH)
High School
2024 — Lewis House (HS)
House FAQ
Utilized by Elementary Junior and high schools across the United States in addition to having been established in 1930 at Harvard University and at other institutions of higher learning such as CalTech, Yale, University of Notre Dame, University of Chicago, Oxford, and Cambridge Universities. The house system cultivates a familial atmosphere across grade levels, thus contributing to an overall more positive school culture.
Administration places each incoming 6th-12th grade student into a house at the time of their enrollment. Students will remain in their designated house until graduation.
You may not choose your house.
Each house can design and sell its own merchandise. Contact your house dean to find out more.
While it may happen in some cases, you will not necessarily be in the same house as a family member.
There will be no awards per quarter. The overall annual winner will receive an award to be announced later in the year.
No, the junior high and high school houses, while connected in name, compete and obtain points independently of each other. JH and HS are not connected.
To learn more, view the official SMLCA house handbook here