Spiritual Emphasis Week 2024
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SEW - Session 2
Pastor Dwight Crosley | Genesis 25:29-34 & Hebrew 12:14-17
Don’t give up what you most need for what you want right now.
Sin will never fully and finally satisfy.
Sin always whispers now instead of later.
Sin surrenders the ultimate for the immediate.
Satan gets us so distracted by the temptation that we lose sight of reality.
We often fall into sin because we don’t see the future blessing that God has for us.
Seek Jesus first. Eliminate distractions. Maintain communion with a group of strong believers.

SEW - Session 1
Pastor Dwight Crosley | John 6:22-40
Jesus is the Bread of Life which means he is the only one who can ultimately satisfy and sustain you.
We need to go to Jesus not for the benefits we can get from him but for the relationship we can have with him.
Jesus doesn’t just want to improve your life; He wants to be your life.