
Easter started when Jesus was tried and crucified on Good Friday and was dead for three days. Jesus wasn’t dead as we think of today. His earthy body was dead, while his spiritual body was in a place in Hell called Abraham’s Bosom. Abraham’s Bosom is not a place of fire and torment; it is more like a waiting room separated by a chasm from the rest of hell. It was for the Old Testament saints that loved God but Jesus wasn’t born yet. During those three days, Jesus preached to them and in the end, they went to heaven while Jesus went back into his earthy body. He died on Friday and rose on Sunday, which is why we as Christians celebrate Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. 

Easter in modern America has been flipped upside down, focusing on a mythical rabbit called “the Easter Bunny.” Most of these traditions came from the German immigrants that settled in Pennsylvania in the 1700s to celebrate the Germanic goddess of fertility. But, some early Christians in Mesopotamia dried eggs and dyed them red to match the blood that Jesus shed on the cross for our sins. Unfortunately, today all around the world people don’t celebrate Jesus’s death and resurrection. - Jake Wingfield


I wish I believed in Her


Heroes of HistoryPart 3